
Biking the Great Alleghany Passage - Day 1

Day One Experience on the Great Alleghany Passageway via bikes

Day 1- The Fearsome Foursome Puts in Sixty Miles

We started our bike trip around 9:00AM after a breakfast at the Fairfield Inn. Temperature was 60 degrees. Carl freaked us out when he said at breakfast before biking sixty miles: “Going to the gym to work out!”

Fearsome Foursome Head Out


Rob Halminski ---- C. Hirst ---- Mark Brown ---- Carl Roberts

Start of the day at mile marker 0

“Start of the day at mile marker 0.”

Our Route on Day 1


On our first day we biked 60 miles from Pittsburgh to Connellsville. We lucked out and had a great day for our first ride. Thankfully, without any accidents or rain. We all got along - No one complained - No one fell behind. This just might work out!

Below is the Hot Metal Bridge at Mile 5 leaving Pittsburgh, PA. Carl is in the yellow jacket.

Parting view of Pittsburg hot_metal2

Above: Leaving Pittsburgh behind

Below: C. Hirst and Rob on the hot metal bridge.




Mile 8 - Carl on the McKeesport Connecting Railroad Bridge


Crossing over the Monongahela River


Trucking with C. Hirst setting the pace


Mile 15 - New Boston, PA - Rob and Carl meet a volunteer at one of the many spots along the trail that assist bikers with any needs.


Girl in a jacketGirl in a jacket
Girl in a jacketGirl in a jacket

Mile17 - Just South of New Boston - One of several water falls along the trail.


Carl Roberts and Rob Halminski at the Trailside Restaurant in West Newton, PA

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Mile 55 - C, Mark , Carl and Rob at an overlook on the Youghiogheny River


Overtired after almost 60 miles and 5 hours of biking the team does yoga for Lisa Velasco yoga

Mile 59 - Stained Glass Arch - Smiling because we are one mile outside of Connellsville and our hotel


Fearsome Foursome’s Thoughts of the Day:

Carl: "I am overwhelmed at the beauty, serenity and cleanliness of the trail and all the nice people we meet. All of the service people we have met are exceptionally friendly. The quality of the trail has been excellent - very smooth and well maintained. We were so lucky to miss the rain. It was all around us."

C.: "Who lit the fire under Mark’s ass? Other than that, good trail with awesome view and great riding company."

Rob: "Impressive trail and impressive people. No trash on the trail was very noticeable."

Mark: "C’s comment needs explanation! He kept this torrid pace all day. We exchanged lead rider occasionally to break the wind. At my turn in the front, I merely was trying to keep the pace I thought they all wanted! Otherwise, unbelievably impressed with nature and beauty of the trail."


Started at Mile marker 150. Happy to be at Mile Marker 89 and the Comfort Inn!
Did the 60 mile ride tire you out in any way?

Mark: Not as tired as I thought I would be but my poor bum is glad to be off the bike saddle.

Carl: Had to get up and down on the saddle a couple of times.

Rob: I was fine until the fuse was lit.

C: No issues. (Mr.Hard Ass)


A hot shower never felt so good. We stayed at the Comfort Inn in Connellsville, PA.


Bud Murphy’s Sports Bar & Pub - Friendly service and excellent food and hard to find anything on the menu for more than $10.


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